Mans' Best friend Vs a Cursed Reptile / macklatestupdate

To understand the story, I will make it more comfortable for you. Philippines, a touching story was found when an American Pit bull Terrier dog name " Chief " save the live's of their masters ( Liberata la Victoria, 87, and her granddaughter Maria Victoria Fronteras ) from a killer snake which is categorize to be one of the deadly or poisonous snake the Phil. cobra. A Phil. cobra is said to be the 5th most poisonous snakes all over the world. It can kill a person minutes after a bite.
It was happened in BARANGAY LAPASAN (Philippines) last Feb 12, 2007. I know that it was happened long time ago but I want to refresh on the mind of all of the readers so that it can awakes your hearts that dogs are really helpful for everybody and can also offer it's lives for you and also for me.
Around 2 pm Philippine time, when Liberata and Maria was watching TV on their receiving area sitting on sofa, when suddenly Chief jump up and alerted them from a cobra which is almost about 10 feet distance from them. So Maria suddenly pulled her grandmother and out from their and get inside on separate room, Thinking that a poisonous reptile would leave on their house.
But when Maria emerge from the room, surprisingly she found the said poisonous cobra was on its attacking mode, its hood was expanding and seems to be spitting venom.
A young lady statement said that " the snake was in front of us preparing for a deadly attack and because of this shockingly situation I screamed loud looking for a help."
After the screaming, chief bark and go between the cobra and this ladies. Chief catch the neck of the cobra and slammed it on the floor, killing the cobra.
But unfortunately, Chief got bite on its jaw while fighting with a poisonous cobra. And after a seconds, Chief began gasping for breath and collapse. It was a sad victory for a Dog and also for its master.
After a collapse the family call a doctor looking forward for chief to be saved, But the vet said that they have nothing to do on it the bite was fatal and it's near on the brain. The poison may already scattered on different parts of the body and mostly on its brain.
Almost 30 minutes after the bite a hero dog "Chief" went on its dying stage which it looks like that its organs began malfunctioning, Chief dog was urinating and still fighting for its life.
Until a sad ending happened when the hero dog gave its last two deep breath and die.
No... this is sad but he is truly a hero..
This is real sad. :(
Great did,, bye "chief"
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