Kabang Updated me The Latest Love for Pet
We really can't explain what happiness when we have pet on our house. As of now, I have my new dog named rafa. Its name was given with my girlfriend, My girl was always updating me if rafa is okey, and if how big it is now. So I take good care my dog, I did shower and let rafa eat on time. I buy him dog food, also I bring him outside the house so that he can also play there with some other dogs. And that was first my impression with my dog, that I have to take care of him, it is because my girlfriend love that dog, and also for me so that I can release stress and do smile when I am playing with him.

Amazingly when I was watching TV news and it is all about Kabang,and I found out all about what happened on how Kabang help two children. My thought that I was only taking care of my dog only because for my self was gone. It was change unto "I have to take care of my dog because, dog also can love Us, or shall we say even animal can also love and care Us". Kabang teach people on how animals love people. I was so amaze that really a dog can do things that a person can't. Kabang help those kids without hesitation on what will happen on him, the most important for that dog , on that time was to save those kids. And that was so amazing, If Kabang became popular after that, I only can say that Kabang deserves it.
Now for all those people who have pets like me, let us love our pet and have a deserving acknowledgement for them. The Kabang story thought or awaken our love and respect for all things in this world. Not only for animals. Even all things that sorrounds Us also deserves love and respect. Our pet really deserves our love not only because they can help Us. But also because they love Us perfectly.
I love my dog more than ever. There are times it annoys me but I still love him :)
Kabang is such an inspiration. :) Thanks for the update!
me too,, my pet is such a blessing for me,, gonna update this one for all pet lovers... =)just follow the next post,, =)
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